Legal Terms and Conditions on the use of the website of i2 group
* i2 group consists of several group companies such as, but to limited to, i2 invest ag, in Zug/Switzerland and ANTHEDON AG PCC, in Schaan/Liechtenstein.
Consent declaration
By accessing and browsing the website of i2 group or by using and/or downloading content from this website, you agree and accept the subsequent terms of use.
Subject of the website - information purpose only, no offering
All information on the website of i2 group is provided for information purposes only and may not be construed as any advice, an offer (e.g. to buy a (financial) product), the granting of a license or the establishment of a legal relationship between you as a user of the website and i2 group (including any of the i2 group companies).
The contents of the website may be changed without giving notice. i2 group reserves the right to - at any time - (i) change any and all information on the website; (ii) change functions of the website; and/or (iii) suspend, interrupt, or restrict access to all or part of the website.
Addressee of the website
The website of i2 group is directed at natural persons and legal entities domiciled or having their registered office in a country in Europe. The information on this website is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen of, or resident or incorporated in, any country where such distribution, publication, provision or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which would subject i2 group (including its group companies) to any registration or licensing requirement.
Intellectual property rights
Any and all information accessible via the website of i2 group is protected by Copyright and its commercial use is only permitted with the consent of the author and in return for remuneration. The elements contained on the website are free to use for browsing purposes only and may be downloaded or copied for your personal use only. In the event that you download or otherwise reproduce any software or data and/or information from the website of i2 group, all proprietary rights remain with i2 group and group companies (i.e. i2 invest ag and/or ANTHEDON AG PCC). You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into, or use for any public or commercial purpose the website of i2 group without the prior written permission of i2 group group companies (i.e. i2 invest ag and/or ANTHEDON AG PCC).
You are not authorized to change the contents of the website.
Disclaimer - no liability
i2 group (incl. its group companies) disclaims any liability for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of this website or the information contained therein. i2 group exercises no control over information stored on external servers, servers with public access, discussion forums, blogs, etc. Furthermore, the transmission of information over the internet may be subject to disruptions, delays or errors in data delivery that are beyond the control of i2 group (incl. its group companies) or any information provider. Neither i2 group (incl. its group companies) nor any information provider shall be liable for any damages or consequential damages arising from such failures.
Although i2 group makes every effort to keep all information on the website up-to-date and correct, it cannot guarantee that information on the website is complete or that it is always up to date. Their use is at the risk of visitors to the website. i2 group (incl. its group companies) does not guarantee the quality of information, in particular with regard to the accuracy, completeness, topicality, legality and expediency, availability and timely delivery of information made available via the website of i2 group.
Jurisdiction and applicable law
For all disputes between users of this website and i2 group (incl. its group companies), which arise from the use/visit of the website, it is agreed that the exclusive place of jurisdiction are the courts of the city of Zurich/Switzerland. i2 group (incl. its group companies) is free to bring an action also at the domicile/registered office of the user. The applicable law is Swiss law.